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Episode 20 - The Introvert's Guide to the Job Search with Author, Jane Finkle
Jane Finkle is a career coach, speaker and author with over 25 years of experience. She has successfully helped clients to envision and achieve careers that are fulfilling and personally enriching. Previously, Jane served as Associate Director of Career services at the University of Pennsylvania where she created and led the Wharton Career Discovery seminar and served as liaison to recruiters from major corporations. She has been published in the Business Insider, Huffington Post, Inc., Psychology Today, Talent Development and mindbodygreen and as a guest on national and podcast shows. She is the author of The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job, to Surviving, Thriving and Moving on Up.
Career Coach Tiffany Franklin reveals the latest tips and best practices to help you have an effective and efficient job search that will lead to more job offers and career opportunities. Whether you are still in college, striving for your first promotion, or an experienced executive aiming for the C-suite, Tiffany will show you how to market yourself into a better career. Discover how to articulate the value you will deliver employers and capture the attention of recruiters/hiring managers for all the right reasons. Learn to network and the nuances of applicant tracking systems to get your resume through the black hole of applications and into the hands of human decision makers.