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Episode 10: Finding a Job with a Startup with Tarek Pertew
Tarek Pertew is the Cofounder of Uncubed, a candidate engagement and recruiting platform and he founded MyWorkster, a job fair platform for college alumni, and Referio, which is a referral hiring platform. He shares his insights, experience, & advice with us, including sharing your passion, demonstrating patience as an entrepreneur, and doing your research, as well as showing how you can add value.
Episode 3: Inside the Mind of a Recruiter with Chris Murdock
Chris is the Chief Sourcing Officer and Co-Founder of IQTalent Partners, and we chat with him about starting the company and the lessons he has learned along the way. Chris shares tips including best practices for resumes and cover letters, as well as interview preparation and follow up. We cover red flags and how to avoid getting sifted out of a pile of candidates.
10 Steps to Find a Job When It’s Been Years Since Your Last Job Search
Congratulations on taking the first step towards a new job! While it can be comforting to stay at one company for years, finding a new job can be reinvigorating for your life.
Career Coach Tiffany Franklin reveals the latest tips and best practices to help you have an effective and efficient job search that will lead to more job offers and career opportunities. Whether you are still in college, striving for your first promotion, or an experienced executive aiming for the C-suite, Tiffany will show you how to market yourself into a better career. Discover how to articulate the value you will deliver employers and capture the attention of recruiters/hiring managers for all the right reasons. Learn to network and the nuances of applicant tracking systems to get your resume through the black hole of applications and into the hands of human decision makers.