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Episode 6: Making the Most of your University’s Career Center with Dr. Barbara Hewitt
Career centers at universities are such powerful resources. Dr. Barbara Hewitt, the Executive Director of Career Services at the University of Pennsylvania, breaks down each component of the process, starting with when to first approach a career center, what to do in preparation and the extent of the services. Our guest also shares some great tips for internships.
Career Coach Tiffany Franklin reveals the latest tips and best practices to help you have an effective and efficient job search that will lead to more job offers and career opportunities. Whether you are still in college, striving for your first promotion, or an experienced executive aiming for the C-suite, Tiffany will show you how to market yourself into a better career. Discover how to articulate the value you will deliver employers and capture the attention of recruiters/hiring managers for all the right reasons. Learn to network and the nuances of applicant tracking systems to get your resume through the black hole of applications and into the hands of human decision makers.