Episode 1: The Best Career Advice I Ever Received

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About This Episode

Welcome to the podcast series which focuses on helping you get the most out of your job search! I have been a passionate career coach for many years. Through this podcast I aim to democratize the knowledge that I have gained while working in this role, and help many more people find their path. In this introductory show, I explain what you can expect to learn from upcoming episodes, and offer advice about decision making, failure, networking, optimizing your resume, and embracing change. I share an exercise that will help you deal with the ups and downs of a job search, and tips for counteracting imposter syndrome. You’ll also hear the best career advice I ever received. I am excited about this journey and hope you’ll walk away from each episode equipped with skills to help you have an effective and efficient job search.

Key Points

  • What you can expect to hear in upcoming episodes. 

  • The importance of tailoring your resume to specific jobs. 

  • A tool which will help you optimize your resume. 

  • The best career advice I have ever received.

  • Imposter syndrome, and where you can find out about how to manage it.

  • Defining confidence, and how it differs from arrogance.

  • The Five Achievements Exercise.

  • Advice on failure, flexibility, networking, and job applications. 

  • How I make big decisions. 

  • Remember that the interview process is a two-way street.

  • Change is inevitable; embrace it!

Mentioned in this Episode

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I started using Jobscan in 2018 and referred 200+ clients and students to the site before I ever set up an affiliate link in June 2021.


Episode 2: Finding Meaningful Work & Career Success with Dr. Katharine Brooks


Is Empathy the missing piece in your Job Search?